Well, I have decided to return to the world of blogging. Some people complain that blogging is merely an excuse for personal rants, and indeed it can be. However, blogging has always been a healthy outlet for me and I am happy to be back.
Tomorrow is Easter. This day overwhelms me. Maybe it overwhelms me because it brings discomfort to the way in which I live my life. Maybe it overwhelms me because it highlights my selfishness. Maybe it overwhelms me because I can't even begin to wrap my mind around a love so extravagant. Why would Jesus subject himself to such brutality? Why would he do this for me, a woman so consumed by her own selfishness? As Easter is almost here, I am thankful. I am thankful that the consistency of God's love is not pending on mine. I am weak. I am sinful. But I am thankful. I am thankful that I can rest completely in the arms of a God who loves me so passionately and endlessly. This overwhelms me. This brings me to my knees.