Simply put, we love it here! We love living at the heart of downtown Indy. We love the culture. We love our house and our puppies (yes, we have 2 puppies now!). We are so happy. Maybe we'll live here for five years, or maybe we'll stay here forever. All I know is that right now, during this season, we are completely at peace...and that is a blessed thing.
My job? It is wonderful! It has definitely taken me some time to get acclimated, but I am loving it. I am learning SO much. I can hardly believe how much I have learned just over the past two months of being here. It is so exciting to see all that God is doing. It is so wonderful to work alongside of so many devout Christians for the furthering of the Kingdom...SO much more fulfilling than retail. :)
It has been a surprisingly easy transition into our new life. I think Jeremiah and I were both very ready for the change. It has also been very interesting to watch my relationships change. All I can say is that I am blessed. I am blessed beyond belief. Sometimes it is a suprising to see which relationships rise to the top and which ones sink to the bottom. I am thankful, however, for transitional times like these. They are so healthy. And as I journey into a new chapter of my life, some relationships will continue to journey with me - and for these relationships, I am continually thankful.
God has taken me on quite the spiritual journey over the past few months. He has opened my eyes to my many flaws. He has revealed his faithfulness, even when I am so very unfaithful. He has taught me that Jesus died for people, thus PEOPLE are what matter. He has lit a fire within me, a passion to know my God. He is teaching me what is means to be a woman after God's very own heart. He is teaching me to be a godly wife and friend. All in all, I praise the Lord for taking this woman, so full of flaws, and refining her to the image of Christ. It is a long, slow process - but there is nothing quite like it.
Praise the Lord for his faithfulness. We are so very at peace with where the Lord has led us. We are so happy here and for the first time in years, we feel truly settled. Praise the Lord for his direction. Praise the Lord for not letting us get in the way of his plan. Thank you Lord for never leaving our side...
"...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness,and to walk humbly with your God?" - Micah 6:8