I need mercy - SO much mercy. As my eyes scan the words of Scripture and my heart attempts to make sense of it all, I am broken - stricken with repulsion towards my own sinful soul. I am paralyzed and left trembling at the feet of Jesus. I am humbled. I am broken. I am trembling. Recognizing that no matter how much I "do" the Christian life - I fall... I always fall. I am so very weak.
In is in these moments, I desperately thank God for his mercy. I thank him for not condeming me to the eternal damnation that I so rightfully deserve. I thank him for exposing me to my own sinful nature. Shamefully burying my face in the ground, I plead for him to restore my heart. Through tears and a faint smile, I praise the Lord for breaking me again and again and again... all for love.
Truly, life ruled by human nature is empty, hopeless and wretched, but life - oh, what a glorious life penetrated by the love, hope and MERCY of Jesus Christ - that, my friends is “life indeed" [Timothy 6:19].